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1. Osarrodi A, Golafshani A, Akaberi S. Relationship between spiritual well-being and quality of life in nurses. J North Khorasan Univ Med Sci 2012;3(4):79-88. Link [
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14. Namazi A, Homauonfar H. Assessment of interpersonal communication skills and related factors in nursing and midwifery students. J Health Based Res 2017;2(4):369-80. Link
15. Mortazavi Tabatabaee A, Ramazan Khani A, Babaee Haidar Abadi A, Tavasoli E, Matlabi Ghaen M. Study of effective factors on depression, perceived stress and perceived social support and their relationship among students living in dormitories of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science. Sci J Ilam Univ Med Sci 2013;21(4):99-106. Link
16. SotodehasI N, Raheb G, Mahdavi-Nejad G, Haji-Aghajani S, Mehdizadeh J. Prayer attendance and general health in the Iranian adult urban population. J Relig Health 2016;
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18. Mosavi S, Movahedinia A. Studied the relationship between prayers and general health among students of Kerman universities. Psychol Relig 2011;4(1):105-20. Link
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20. Shahryaripour R, Amin BA, Moradi F. Relationship between attitude and practical commitment to prayer with acceptance of responsibility among graduate students of Semnan Universities. Culture Islam Univ 2013;3(6):63-82. Link
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